Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Finally some long awaited updates. Or.. Not as much as I'd like to have for you, but there will definitely be a lot more added at the end of the week, so look out for that. For now I can confirm that there will DEFINITELY be parks at the event. I cant confirm what, but maybe you can read into that and figure something out for yourselves (insert winky face here).

Also huge thankyou to BRR for being the first sponsor! There should be lots more sponsors added in the coming days, so keep an eye out for that also.

One last thing, I REALLY recommend you book travel to this as soon as possible. It gets a lot more expensive if you leave it last minute, so check out the pages on the site on how to get here and get your travel in. Today will see the official announcement of the event on unitefingerboarding, fbhq, and ffi, so look out for that.

See you all there - I've got to get back to work on this :)

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